Friday, January 20, 2012

Yoga...What is it and who is it for?

Yoga.  Everyone has heard of it, everyone wants to try it, and almost everyone is intimidated by the practice in some way or another.  We could probably feed a village if I had a dollar for everyone that says "Oh, Yoga!  I want to try that but I a just not flexible.  I could never make myself into a pretzel!"  If that sounds like something that you have said or that runs through your mind, let me reassure you.

Yoga is for everyBODY!  

Many people think that Yoga is just stretching and standing on your head.  While part of this is true, there is an posture (asana) that you can practice that involves a head stand. But that doesn't mean that you have to.  There are hundreds of postures that you CAN practice. Some are very basic, just as sitting on the floor or on a pillow and engaging the body in  calming breathing exercises.

If you are still having your doubts, answer the following questions:

Can you sit on the floor or in a chair?  Yes or No

Can you breathe?  Yes or No

If you answered YES to one or both of these questions than you CAN practice Yoga! :)

There are several different types of Yoga, finding the one that is right for you can be an intimidating process.  Follow this link to explore the many types of Yoga to find the best one for you.

The benefits that you will receive from your Yoga practice will change your life.  Imagine a your mind more clear and calm, your body more open and strong, you spirit more alive and uplifted.  All of this is possible just by giving yourself the time to practice and experience Yoga.  It is possible and I believe in YOU!

This is just the beginning.  Bookmark my blog and check back often.  I am starting this series on how to begin a yoga practice, why it is important to practice, what to expect in your first class, the benefits and obstacles that you will experience, and many other tidbits on starting a yoga practice.

Have questions?  Let me know.  I am here to help you, to give you the tools to help you become a healthier, happier, more balanced person.  I am your cheerleader and can't wait for your to begin your journey both on and off your mat!


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